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Changzhou Songyang Dingsheng Explosion-proof Motor Winding Commonly Used Pouring Process Method

Changzhou Songyang Dingsheng Explosion-proof Motor Winding Commonly Used Pouring Process Method

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-25
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(Summary description)For a single unit or when repairing explosion-proof motors, the windings of explosion-proof motors are mostly impregnated by dipping. The following is an introduction to the dipping process of explosion-proof motor windings.

Changzhou Songyang Dingsheng Explosion-proof Motor Winding Commonly Used Pouring Process Method

(Summary description)For a single unit or when repairing explosion-proof motors, the windings of explosion-proof motors are mostly impregnated by dipping. The following is an introduction to the dipping process of explosion-proof motor windings.

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2021-01-25
  • Views:0

For a single unit or when repairing explosion-proof motors, the windings of explosion-proof motors are mostly impregnated by dipping. The following is an introduction to the dipping process of explosion-proof motor windings.

1. The pre-baked explosion-proof motor is expected, and when the temperature cools to 60-80 degrees Celsius, it is vertically mounted on the paint tray.

2. Pour the solvent-free paint into an empty paint pot so that you can grasp the amount of dipping paint.

3. Hold the paint pot with insulating paint in hand, tilt the mouth of the mouth so that the insulating paint flows out of the mouth in a streamlined shape, pour insulating paint from the upper end of the explosion-proof motor winding, so that the paint penetrates the coil and flows back to the lower end of the winding Lacquer tray.

4. When the paint stops dripping for about 20-30 minutes, turn over the stator of the explosion-proof motor, and then pour the insulating paint onto the upper end of the winding until it penetrates.

5. After stopping paint dripping for about 30 minutes, use a cloth dipped in kerosene to remove the remaining paint on the inner hall of the stator and the base, and then dry it.

6. If the explosion-proof motor windings that need to be dipped twice, after drying, take it out and cool it to 60-80 degrees Celsius and then perform the second dipping. The operation method is the same as the first dipping.

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