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The solution to the short circuit of the brushless motor

The solution to the short circuit of the brushless motor

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-01-25
  • Views:0

(Summary description)The direction of rotation of the DC motor is related to the direction of the current in the coil and the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic lines of induction. Changing the direction of the current in the coil can change the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic line of induction, which can change the direction of rotation of the motor; the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic line of induction remains unchanged, and the direction of the current in the coil changes the direction of rotation of the motor. When the current through the coil changes, the rotation speed of the motor can be changed.

The solution to the short circuit of the brushless motor

(Summary description)The direction of rotation of the DC motor is related to the direction of the current in the coil and the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic lines of induction. Changing the direction of the current in the coil can change the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic line of induction, which can change the direction of rotation of the motor; the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic line of induction remains unchanged, and the direction of the current in the coil changes the direction of rotation of the motor. When the current through the coil changes, the rotation speed of the motor can be changed.

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-01-25
  • Views:0

The direction of rotation of the DC motor is related to the direction of the current in the coil and the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic lines of induction. Changing the direction of the current in the coil can change the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic line of induction, which can change the direction of rotation of the motor; the direction in which the coil cuts the magnetic line of induction remains unchanged, and the direction of the current in the coil changes the direction of rotation of the motor. When the current through the coil changes, the rotation speed of the motor can be changed.

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