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How to align the wheels of Changzhou Songyang Dingsheng Motor Fan?

How to align the wheels of Changzhou Songyang Dingsheng Motor Fan?

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2021-01-25
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(Summary description)Divide the half couplings on both sides of the rotating shaft into 4 equal parts and mark them.

How to align the wheels of Changzhou Songyang Dingsheng Motor Fan?

(Summary description)Divide the half couplings on both sides of the rotating shaft into 4 equal parts and mark them.

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-01-25
  • Views:0

Alignment method of motor fan to wheel:

1. Divide the half couplings on both sides of the rotating shaft into 4 equal parts and mark them.

2. Fix the two magnetic link table holders respectively to the same equal parts of the half couplings on both sides of the rotating shaft.

3. Fix the dial indicator on the watch seat, and adjust the large needle to the zero reading value of the watch against the same equal part of the inner surface of the flange plate of the quasi-rotating shaft.

4. Crank the car gently for ten days and record the readings of the 4 equal parts.

5. According to the reading, it can distinguish the up and down, left and right, up and down mouth opening of the motor to the rotating shaft and the rotating shaft to the reducer. First adjust the motor foot pad to lower its up, down, left, and right mouth until it meets the requirements. Then adjust the upper and lower mouths so that each mouth is less than 0.5 mm.

6. Tighten the screw of the motor foot, and finally re-check the table for re-examination and the alignment statistics are in line with the technical standards, and special tools are collected for alignment.

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